Sri Sathya Sai Vidyaniketan | About Us

A Unit of Sri Sarva Dharma Samanvaya Trust

"Inspired by Bhagavan Baba's teachings and service activities which broadly fall under 3 categories: Sociocare, Educare and Medicare; Sri Sarva Dharma Samanvaya Trust was established in 1992 by the devotees at Bagepalli.

Sri Sathya Sai Vidyaniketan was established in 2001 as a unit of SSDST focusing on Educare. The school is one among the chosen few education institutions to have been physically established by Baba and enjoyed the fortune of His guidance at every stage. "

Our Inspiration

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has
not only been an inspiration to us,
but was also physically and personally
involved in setting up this institution and
guiding us every step of the way.

Governing Council

A. S. Srinivasa Murthy

Y. Srinivasa Reddy

C. V. Ravindranath Rao